Baptism Request
After you hear the preached word, God calls for a response.
Will you commit to follow Him today?
The road to salvation is explained in the Bible in the Book of Acts Chapter 2, Verse 38:
Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Repentance: A call for one to turn from belief and reliance in self to belief and reliance in Christ.
Baptism: Full immersion in water that symbolizes the death and rebirth. Sins are forgiven and you begin a new Christ-centered life.
The Lord promises to fill every believer with His Spirit. The Sprit of God will abide in you and lead you into all truth.
This marks the beginning of your walk of faith. A relationship with God is a life long journey.
For more information or to request baptism, please complete the box below: